A Christmas Calendar made from 24 Boxes with a Lid


A Christmas calendar made from a display box and 24 small boxes with a lid. All are made from handmade papier-mâché painted with white Plus Color craft paint. Each lid is decorated with decoupage paper and a sticker with a printed number. Decorative ribbon inserted into a slot and tied on the other side is used for the handle.

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1   Apply 2 or 3 coats of white Plus Color craft paint to the outside of each box and lid. Paint the large display box all over. Leave to dry between each coat.
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2   Cut a piece of decoupage paper min. 2 cm larger than the lid.
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3   Apply decoupage lacquer to the lid (not the sides). Attach the decoupage paper and smoothen out.
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4   Make cuts in the decoupage paper the same width as the two short sides of the lid. Also, make an incision at an angle to each cut. Apply decoupage lacquer to the paper and attach to the sides of the lid. Start with the longest.
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5   Cut the decoupage paper to the edge at each corner of the sides of the lid. Apply decoupage lacquer to the inside of the lid. Fold and attach the paper. Leave to dry.
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6   Attach self-adhesive calendar numbers onto each lid. A TIP: Place all the boxes in the display box first. This makes the combination of each design easier to view.
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7   Handle: Make an incision in the middle of the lid with a craft knife the same width as the width of the ribbon. Double over the ribbon and push it through the slot from the outside. (You may use, for example, a spatula for this). Tie a knot and trim. (NB: Cut 24 pieces of 16.5 cm each from a roll of 4 m).
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8   Once a small gift has been placed in all 24 boxes, the Christmas calendar may be given as one large gift. Put the lid on and tie a ribbon around it and decorate according to your own taste.
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