A hanger made from bamboo rings


Make your own hanger from bamboo rings for a flower pot made from bamboo fibre. The bamboo rings are tied together with natural twine.

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1   Cut three pieces of natural twine each measuring 1m. Make a loop and wrap the twine around two bamboo rings and around the loop as shown in the photo.
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2   Make the windings 2 cm long. Feed one end of the twine through the loop and pull the end of the starting twine, so that the joint is hidden underneath the windings.
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3   Cut off the excess twine.
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4   Repeat steps 1-3 on the opposite side and at the top so that the three bamboo rings are tied together as shown in the photo.
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5   Cut 5 pieces of natural twine each measuring 2 m. Gather the pieces around the middle of the hanger and tie knots along the gathered pieces of natural twine with a 10 cm space between each knot.
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6   Place a flower pot in the hanger.
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