A Knitted and Felted Easter Chick for Hanging


The body is plain-knitted from Melbourne Wool which is also used for crocheting the legs, the beak and the string for hanging. These are sewn onto the body. Then felt the plain-knitted Easter chick in the washing machine at 60°.

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1.   Cast on eighteen stitches. Knit using plain stitches. Decrease by a stitch on each side on every fifth row. Repeat this decreasing six times in total. After the last decrease, knit three rows. Knit the next row as follows: knit 1 plain*, YO (yarn over), K1 (knit 1)*. Repeat from * to * = eleven stitches. Knit ten rows after decreasing. On the next row decrease by one stitch in each side. Knit one row. On the next row knit 2 plain stitches together in each side = 5 stitches left. Cast off.
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2.   Legs: crochet the legs onto the body with 1 chain stitch in the 6th stitch from the side. Crochet 27 loosely crocheted chain stitches. Crochet 1 chain stitch in the 11th chain stitch measured from the crochet needle, 10 chain stitches with 1 chain stitch in this and the previous stitch (i.e. together). Crochet 10 chain stitches in the same stitches as the previous slip stitches. Then crochet 1 chain stitch in each of the 16 first chain stitches. Finish with a slipstitch in the body. Crochet one more leg in the 6th stitch from the other side following the same procedure.
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3.   The beak: Crochet 6 chain stitches. Crochet stitches in each of the 6 chain stitches. Turn over and crochet 6 slipstitches back, secure and cut.
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4.   Hanging: to make a string for hanging, crochet 40 chain stitches. Sew the beak and the eyes onto the chick and felt the finished chick in the washing machine at 60°!
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