A knitted Egg Warmer from knitted Tube with a Pom-pom


Make your own egg warmers from knitted tube using baby merino wool and a knitting mill. Finish with a pom-pom at the top.

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Guide step %d
1   Knit approx. 1 m knitted tube using the knitting mill.
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2   Slightly unravel one end of the knitted tube, exposing the stitches. Pick up the four stitches with a yarn needle.
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3   Secure the end inside the tube to keep it hidden.
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4   Sew the knitted tube together into a coil as shown in the photo. Sew the same row of stitches together for a uniform finish.
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5   You may sew around a polystyrene egg to keep the shape.
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6   Sew the coil into approx. 7 rounds and pick up the four stitches from the other end of the knitted tube with a yarn needle.
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7   Secure the wool end.
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8   Turn the right side out.
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9   Make a pom-pom by winding the wool from the ball approx. 40 times around the narrow end of the pom-pom tool. Tie a knot around the wool and cut open both ends as shown in the photo.
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10   Sew the pom-pom onto the top of the egg warmer.
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