A mobile made from decorated bamboo sticks and faux leather paper


Make a mobile from bamboo sticks and leaves made from faux leather paper. The bamboo sticks are decorated with a Plus Color marker and tied together with natural twine.

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1   Cut three bamboo sticks to different lengths (for example 8 cm, 12 cm and 15.5 cm) using mitre cutters.
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2   Decorate the bamboos sticks with different patterns using a Plus Color marker.
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3   Cut two pieces of natural twine each measuring 90 cm. Tie the sticks together with a knot on both sides of each bamboo stick approx. 4 cm apart. Leave a 10 cm piece of natural twine at the bottom for attaching the faux leather paper leaf.
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4   Print the template of the leaves which is attached as a separate PDF file on this page. Cut out the leaves from faux leather paper and fold in concertina fashion with approx. 1 cm between each fold.
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5   Fold in the middle with the long side facing up as shown in the photo.
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6   Secure the ends with a stapler and tie the leaves onto the mobile.
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Template   -
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