A self-hardening clay plate decorated with the soap bubble technique
Make your own plates from white self-hardening clay. Decorate the plate with Plus Color craft paint mixed with water and washing up liquid. Blow the mixture with a straw to make bubbles and blow these over the plate.
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1 Roll out the clay using two 8 mm round wooden sticks to achieve the same thickness of the plate (i.e. 8 mm). The clay must be min. 7 mm thick.
5 Make a hole for hanging and leave to dry. Turn the plate over a couple of times whilst drying. Drying time is approx. 48 hours depending on the room temperature. You may place it near a radiator for drying.
A tip: If small cracks appear in the clay once dry, you can repair these by mixing a small amount of clay with a bit of water to form a creamy consistency. Fill the cracks with the mixture, preferably with a brush. Leave to dry. Any uneven areas on the plate can be sanded smooth with a sanding sponge or with fine sandpaper.
6 Bubble technique:
Mix 1 part washing up liquid with 2 parts water and a couple of drops of Plus Color craft paint.
8 Blow into the mixture with a straw. The mixture needs to bubble a lot. Practice the technique and check if the mixture bubbles sufficiently. Too much paint in the mixture may reduce the amount of bubbles. Make a couple of bubble tests with the straw, for example onto a piece of card, before blowing the mixture onto the plate. You may blow more bubbles onto the plate when the first layer is dry.
9 Raise the plate, for example on a glass. Blow lots and lots of bubbles onto the plate. Avoid tipping the glass when blowing bubbles. It is important that only bubbles fall onto the plate.
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