Boxes with invisible Oil Pastel Drawings underneath Watercolours


White boxes decorated with imaginative “invisible” drawings with a white Gallery Oil Pastel. They are then painted with colourful watercolours, revealing the white drawing (oil repels water). The boxes/lids are varnished and decorated with pom-poms.

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Guide step %d
1.   Draw designs or graphics with white Gallery Oil Pastel according to your own imagination on the box and/or the lid.
Guide step %d
2.   Paint over the white oil pastel with watercolours to reveal the white drawings and lines. Leave the lid and the box to dry separately and then varnish both with glue lacquer. You may decorate the lid with a pom-pom in the wet glue. Leave to dry before putting the lid onto the box.
Guide step %d
A TIP!   You may decorate the inside of the box according to your own imagination in a normal fashion.
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