Children from all over the World from Polystyrene & Gauze Bandage


This diverse crowd of children all have a polystyrene body and head. Flower sticks are inserted for arms and legs and the shapes are covered with gauze bandage and painted with A-Color matt paint. Each figure is inserted onto a clay stand.

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Guide step %d
1.   Use a flower stick to assemble two polystyrene shapes in different sizes for a body and a head. Also use flower sticks for arms and legs and insert them into the polystyrene body.
Guide step %d
2.   Cover the body and the head with gauze bandage. You may add extra volume making a hairstyle.
Guide step %d
3.   Paint using A-Color matt acrylic paint in different colours. Leave to dry.
Guide step %d
4.   Draw details with a Uni Posca marker or a Poster Hobby Marker.
Guide step %d
5.   Shape a square stand from self-hardening clay and insert the figure's legs into the stand. Adjust the figure's legs so that the figure balances. Leave to dry.
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