Flower pots made from bamboo fibre decorated with Plus Color craft paint


Paint the four flower pots and the accompanying tray made from bamboo fibre with Plus Color craft paint. Decorate with various colours in a striped pattern using masking tape. You may decorate further with small patterns using Plus Color markers.

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1   Attach a piece 25 mm wide masking tape onto all four outside corners.
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2   Attach pieces of narrow (9 mm wide) masking tape onto all sides, suitably spaced.
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3   Apply different colours of Plus Color craft paint between the pieces of masking tape. Carefully remove the masking tape once the paint is almost dry. Leave the flower pot to dry completely.
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4   Decorate the white stripes (where the masking tape was attached) between the painted stripes using Plus Color markers.
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5   Attach masking tape all the way around the inside of the flower pot. In this photo the masking tape is attached approx. 0.5 cm from the edge.
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6   Paint the inside top edge with Plus Color craft paint. Carefully remove the masking tape when the paint is almost dry. Leave to dry completely.
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7   Paint the sides of the tray and leave to dry.
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