Wise Men from the East


Wise men made from self-hardening clay. Decorated with Plus Color Craft Paint. Special effects are made with Crackle Lacquer.

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1.   Make the body by rolling a piece of clay into a cone shape.
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2.   Seal the joint at the back and shape the head.
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3.   Shape a beard and a nose and attach. Use a small amount of water and remember to keep the clay moist with a damp cloth.
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4.   Shape the cape using the same procedure as the body and lay over the body adjusting it. Use a palette knife for cutting the edges neatly.
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5.   Make the head band from a long clay cylinder, shaping it decoratively in the front. Let the figure dry.
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6.   Paint the entire figure with Plus Color dark grey. Let it dry.
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7.   Apply Crackle Lacquer and let it dry (max. two hours).
Guide step %d
8.   Now paint with Plus Color off white and the paint will crackle immediately.
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