A crocheted placemat (Crunch stitch style pattern)


Crochet your own placemats in the popular crunch stitch style pattern. You will need 85 g yarn for a 31 x 45 cm placemat using a No. 3 crochet hook. Attach a strap from faux leather paper onto the placemat with rivets as a decorative detail.

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Guide step %d
Crochet pattern   -
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Guide step %d
2   Wash the crocheted placemats before use at 40°C.
Guide step %d
3   Cut 10 cm straps from faux leather paper.
Guide step %d
4   Attach the straps with rivets after you have washed the placemats. Attach the straps 4 cm along the side of each placemat.
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