Working at Creativ Company

Creativ Company is a creative and ambitious company in growth, which is why we strive to make it an exciting, challenging, fun and enjoyable place to work. All new employees take part in an introductory programme, so that you are well equipped to solve the tasks assigned to you.
You can also look forward to becoming part of a unique culture where everyone gets along, enjoy three varied and healthy meals a day in the canteen and participate in our staff association's numerous fun and social events.
Below is an overview of our vacancies. Don't hesitate to apply and join our dream team.

Fandt du ikke dit nye job?

Hos Creativ Company leder vi altid efter nye, gode medarbejdere. Hvis vi ikke lige har et ledigt job, der passer til dig, vil vi glæde os til at modtage din uopfordrede ansøgning, og så kontakter vi dig, hvis der bliver en ledig stilling, der passer til dine kompetencer.

Du kan også oprette en jobagent hos Creativ Company, så du får direkte besked, når vi slår stillinger op inden for det eller de områder, som du interesserer dig for.

Hvis du har spørgsmål, så er du meget velkomment til at sende en mail til vores HR-afdeling. Skriv til – vi glæder os til at høre fra dig.


In accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, we explain here how we process your data. The data controller is Creativ Company A/S and only those staff members in the HR department who work with recruitment, the hiring manager, and other relevant key persons in relation to the current job area have access to your information. We store your application electronically for six months, after which it is deleted. Applications received on paper will be scanned for electronic archiving, after which the application will be shredded immediately. The purpose of storing your information is that it gives us the opportunity to contact you if a relevant job opportunity becomes available. You can contact the HR department at any time at to ask to have your application deleted. If we do not hear from you, we will assume your consent to store your data for six months.

Copyright © 2021-present Creativ Company | Rasmus Færchs Vej 23 | 7500 Holstebro | Dinamarca | Teléfono: 0045 96 10 1089 |